The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research takes action
Posted by Acorlin(22.5.2015)
Since his escape from Spain the German criminal Ryke Geerd Hamer lives in the town of Sandefjord in Norway. Hamer and his cronies, copycats and accomplices are responsible for hundreds of cases of extremest cruel death.
More about this:
Copies thereof:
Despite all his tricks Hamer did not achieve to cheat or force a university into taking his insanity, brought to paper, as a habilitation. So he some years ago declared his criminal commercial activities a university and started the Net domain
No university gives him the title, okay, so then he fumbles together his own “university”. Helmut Pilhar was “honored” there, for his “good deeds” for Hamer’s insanity. “For his profits”, that is, for both of them, because it is all about money. Hamer runs a company. It is a commercial enterprise, Hamer and entourage and Pilhar and entourage live on it quite well, at the cost of patients who they send to death.
Some weeks ago the domain suddenly was emptied and contained only this note:
- [*quote*]
Liebe Freunde der Germanischen Heilkunde, Gestern haben wir die
Verfügung des norwegischen Erziehungsministerium erhalten, daß wir
unsere Webseite bis zum 15. Mai schließen
Ich bitte Euch,
mich ab sofort auf meiner Website zu besuchen.
Euer Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
- [*quote*]
Dear friends of the “Germanische Heilkunde”, yesterday we received
the enactment of the Norwegian ministry of eduction that we must
close our web-site to 15th. May.
I bid you to visit me from now on on my web-site
Your Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
In contrast to his usual hue and cry there was nothing to hear about this affair from Hamer so far. So I investigated – and by accident found that there already exists a public university in Sandefjord:
Folkeuniversitet Sandefjord
Framnesvn. 7
3222 Sandefjord
It is part of a nationwide network of such educational institutions in Norway, which also carry academic courses and
grant academic titles.
Hamer committed imposture and abuse of title, and this in direct competition to the existing Folkeuniversitet Sandefjord.
Had I known about the Folkeuniversitet Sandefjord, I would have informed them immediately about the fraud. But it was someone else who gave the Ministry of Education and Research a hint. The ministry got active and sent Hamer an enactment. Today the ministry kindly emailed me a copy:
The enactment:
- [*quote*]
Germanische Heilkundev/Ryke Geerd Hamer
Sandkollveien 11
3229 Sandefjord
– Dr. Hamer
Vår ref 10/1472-
Dato 24.04.2015
Vedtak om forbud mot bruk av navnet Universitet Sandefjordogvarsel om politianmeldelse for uriktig bruk av universitetsbetegnelse
Vi viser til Kunnskapsdepartementets brev av 27. november 2014 med anmodning om navneendring.
Departementet registrerer at foretaksnavnet er endret i enhetsregisteret. Imidlertid brukes
fortsatt den beskyttede institusjonsbetegnelsen universitet på nettsiden
Departementet forutsetter at Universitet Sandefjord for den germanske nye medisin, naturlig
kunst og livsstil umiddelbart foretar navnebytte også på sin nettside og i all annen
kommunikasjon, slik at navnet ikke strider mot universitet- og høyskoleloven (uhl.) § 7-2.
Departementet viser til at også markedsføring som gir inntrykk av å ha akkreditering som
universitet er omfattet av forbudet i uhl. § 7-2.
I uhl. § 7-2 andre ledd står det: ”Bare institusjon som er akkreditert som vitenskapelig
høyskole universitet kan benytte slik betegnelse”. Det vil si at bruken av disse betegnelsene er
forbeholdt de med godkjenning fra Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT), jf.
uhl. § 3-1.
Videre står det i uhl. § 7-2 tredje ledd at ”Departementet kan, ved forskrift eller enkeltvedtak,
forby bruk av institusjonsbetegnelse eller navn som uriktig gir inntrykk av å ha slik
godkjenning, eller som er egnet til å forveksles med en betegnelse nevnt i annet ledd”. I § 7-2
sjette ledd står det at ”Den som i strid med bestemmelsene i denne paragraf forsettlig eller
uaktsomt bruker en vernet institusjonsbetegnelse, kan straffes med bøter”.
Departementet fatter herved vedtak om forbud mot bruk av navnet Universitet Sandefjord for
den germanske nye medisin, naturlig kunst og livsstil, jf. uhl. § 7-2. Dersom det ikke innen
15. mai 2015 foretas navnebytte slik at navnet ikke lengre strider mot uhl. § 7-2, vil
departementet politianmelde forholdet.
Med hilsen
Rolf L Larsen (e.f.)
Kasper Aunan
Postadresse …………….. Kontoradresse …
Telefon* …………… Org no. ………….. Saksbehandler
22 24 90 90* ……… 872 417 842 …… Kasper Aunan
A renowned Norwegian scientist kindly translated it for me. This is a preliminary raw translation:
- [*quote*]
Decision prohibiting use of the name University Sandefjord and notification of police for improper use of university designation
We refer to the Ministry of Education’s letter of 27 November 2014 which requested a name change.
The Ministry notes that the company name is changed in the registry of legal entities. However, the protected institutional designation university is still used on the website
The Ministry requires that University Sandefjord for the Germanic New Medicine, natural Art and Lifestyle immediately performs the name change also on its website and in all other communications, so that the name does not conflict with the university and college law (uhl.) § 7.2. The Ministry points out that the marketing that gives the impression of having accreditation as a university is covered by the prohibition in uhl. § 2.7.
In uhl. § 7-2 the second paragraph reads: “Only institutions accredited as university colleges or universities may use such a term. “This means that the use of these terms are reserved for those institutions approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), cf. Uhl. § 3-1.
Moreover, it says in uhl. § 7-2 third paragraph that “The ministry may, by regulation or individual decision, prohibit the use of institutional designations or names that give a false impression of having such approval, or which are likely to be confused with a term mentioned in subsection”. § 7-2, sixth paragraph states that “Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section willfully or negligently uses a protected institutional designation may be fined.”
The ministry hereby prohibits use of the name University Sandefjord for the Germanic New Medicine, natural Art and Lifestyle, ref. Uhl. § 2.7. If the name has not been changed so that it no longer contradicts uhl. § 7-2 by 15 May 2015, the ministry will report the crime to the police.
with regard
Rolf L Larsen (E. F.)
Kasper Aunan
Executive Officer
So, already in November 2014 the ministry had sent Hamer a clear message concerning that matter. But Hamer flouted the authority’s order. As usual. But concerning title abuse the ministry has a solid base with the law to take action.
Now I wait for Norway to at last extradite Hamer. The Ministry of Education and Research can’t do this, obviously. It is a task of the police. High time for the police to – at last – do its duty.