Englisch ist eine sehr schlampige Sprache…

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geht es um die Herstellung von Pfeilspitzen, speziell um die Technik der Oberflächenbearbeitung.


    Kent State University’s Metin Eren, Ph.D., director of archaeology and assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences, and his colleagues are not only asking these questions but testing their unique new theories. They want to better understand the engineering, techniques and purposes of Clovis weapon technologies. Specifically, they study stone projectile points, such as arrowheads and spear points, made by flint knapping, the ancient practice of chipping away at the edges of rocks to shape them into weapons and tools.

    In their most recent article published online in the Journal of Archaeological Science, Eren and his co-authors from Southern Methodist University (Brett A. Story, David J. Meltzer and Kaitlyn A. Thomas), University of Tulsa (Briggs Buchanan), Rogers State University (Brian N. Andrews), Texas A&M University and the University of Missouri (Michael J. O’Brien) explain the flint knapping technique of “fluting” the Clovis points, which could be considered the first truly American invention. This singular technological attribute, the flake removal or “flute,” is absent from the stone-tool repertoire of Pleistocene Northeast Asia, where the Clovis ancestors came from.

Die Frage ist: Wie übersetzt man das Wort “flute”?

Eine Suche bei http://www.leo.org bringt eine wahre Flut für “flute”. Ein einziges Wort und eine Riesenmenge von Bedeutungen. Englisch ist in der Tat sehr schlampig.

Post Title: Englisch ist eine sehr schlampige Sprache…
Author: Acorlin
Posted: 8th October 2017
Filed As: Hochkultur
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