We are being spied on!
Posted by Acorlin.
(Original http://www.usmm.org/p/keepmum.jpg
at “American Merchant Marine at War” http://www.usmm.org)
Roughly 3/7 of the population on earth have access to the internet.
My hope for good figures from the CIA was in vain: The latest figures in the “World Factbook” of the CIA
are from 2009 – and the newest number of 464 users on the “Christmas Island” even is from 2001…
I can’t even tell them because the recording tape of the tape recorder of their phone answering machine is full. Perhaps the NSA should share a bit of its wealth with their starving colleagues at the CIA…
Some new figures:
“Facebook now has 1.32 billion users, with 30% only using it on their mobile – and the average American spends 40 minutes a DAY on the site”
“Facebook is probably even bigger than you think it is. The company actually has more than 2.2 billion monthly active users (MAUs) across its flagship properties:
Facebook has 1.3 billion MAUs.
WhatsApp has 500 million MAUs.
Instagram has 200 million MAUs
Messenger has 200 million MAUs.
Total users: 2.2 billion”
“WhatsApp Now Has 600 Million Monthly Active Users”
Active data at 1.9.2014:
829 million daily active users on average in June 2014
654 million mobile daily active users on average in June 2014
1.32 billion monthly active users as of June 30, 2014
1.07 billion mobile monthly active users as of June 30, 2014
Approximately 81.7% of our daily active users are outside the US and Canada”
Active data at 1.9.2014:
“Number of worldwide internet users from 2000 to 2014 (in millions)
This statistic gives information on the total number of worldwide internet users from 2000 to 2014. As of 2014, the number of internet users worldwide was 2.92 billion, up from 2.71 billion in the previous year.”
Roughly more than 2/3 of the users on earth are in Facebook. Twitter is not as large as Facebook, but gaining influence.
What does that mean? Where does that lead to?
- http://www.kantarmedia.de/en/social-media.html
(emphasis by me)
Social Media
More than three billion blogs, forums, portals, review sites, micro-blogs, news groups with over 900,000 new entries in 24 hours – trend on the rise – are an infinite pool of original resources for every PR specialist, market and opinion researcher. At the same time, the sheer mass of information presents a problem. The reason: while a full survey is vital for the accumulation of market data, usually less than ten percent of the entries are in fact of any relevance.
Kantar Media works with its own leading meta search technology that searches the complete international social media world as a full survey with no source restrictions.
Social Media analyses give you an insight into the unbiased consumer perspective. Here, you will find the answers to strategic questions that drive your business, a service that goes a step further than classic market research.
Dive in Twitter
I made long-lasting and intensive experiments at Twitter. One of the results everyone can check for himself:
At Twitter post a tweet with some words and a URL of a web-forum. The forum must have a counter to show how often a thread was read. Immediately after you tweet an URL that URL is acessed – which can be seen by the rising number of accesses. But watch it! The number goes up so fast, within 1-3 seconds, that actually no humans COULD have reacted that fast.
The reason is simple: you are being spied on. 8-13 spiders IMMEDIATELY grab for the URL you tweet, and digest it. It is spiders what the forum counter gets. No humans. Spiders.
You can repeat that experiment at any time.
Do it, do it again with a different URL of the same forum, do it again fast with more different URLs of the same forum – and you can drive up the numbers beyond 100 in a few minutes.
The aftermath
What is done after the spider took the URL and walked into the web? The answer is quite simple – and amazing: the spider takes only that one single web-page. Not more. This for several reasons:
1. It would consume too much time and effort.
2. it would be useless.
3. …
Poof! Nothing more. It really would be useless. Why so? Because the most important thing for the spies is the PERSONAL connection. They relate the person at Twitter with the contents of that very single web-page. The person at Twitter is related with what it tweets as words – AND with what contents there is in the web-pages the person links to. It all is a matter of statistics.
The next phase comes more or less fast:
1. One’s mailbox is bombed with spam, relating to what one wrote AND to what is in the linked web-pages one referred to…
2. Google pushes advertisement contents into web-pages one gets on the screen, and the advertisement contents DIRECTLY relates to what one wrote at Twitter and to what is in the web-pages one mentioned.
Another experiment goes like this: enter Twitter, post some few tweets – and look at the forum of which you so often posted URLs: the access numbers of the guests in the forum go up. You are awaited by the spiders…
One of my most-agressively attacked web-pages has about 10000 accesses each month. Why so? Because it contains thousands of names, and NAMES is what the spies are after. (But as there is no connection with anything else in that very web-page, the spies bite the dust…)
Names is what the spies are after. And phone numbers, street names, email-addresses. And more, much more…
About 3/7 of the population on earth is in the internet. This is an immense ocean full of prey to grab for. And then to sell whatever junk the companies have to sell. And to tell lies, PR-lies, political lies, whatever lies. To manipulate and control people. Brain-washing.
The powers of the whole financial weight of the whole commerce on earth is put into this. Politicians and intelligence agencies (like CIA or NSA) are irrelevant dwarfs, they are little leaves in the wind. No, HERE is the real owners of the earth…
And they spy on you…